
   It's a long way to the top, if you want to mock and roll. Pat Sabbath, the sometimes disputed kings of the genre, will see at least 10 million faces and we will mock them all. Our albums will be certified gold, platinum, diamond and amethyst.
   If Pat Sabbath hasn't played a sold out arena in your town, ask yourself why and then consider moving to another town. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to be in a place that opens its arms to one of the greatest bands in history.
   For those about to mock - we salute you!



DSOU = Problem Solver! 

You already know that Dark Side of Uranus is well on its way to selling 5 million copies, but did you know that it can solve almost ANY household problem? Stay tuned to our FB and YouTube pages for more details...

The Aftermath 

    We recently released what some are calling "possibly the greatest rock song ever written" and the overwhelmingly positive response has left us with the feeling that 2015 really was the time to put the past behind us and take this whole thing to the next level. "Much Better Than Freebird" has turned heads, twisted brains and left even the most die-hard Skynyrd fans breathless. We'd just like to take this time to let all of our old and new fans know that, believe it or not, there are songs in our pipeline right now that are much better than Much Better Than Freebird. Stay tuned.

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